Inclusive Firm

The Formula for Setting Up and Running a Six Figure Accounting Firm Virtually

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Maybe some of these feelings will resonate with you…

Sick of working at your job and ready to go out on your own full time.

It can be so draining waking up and working at a job you don’t like to build someone else’s dream. You want to be a run your own business, but you need a formula for making a full-time income!

Overwhelmed with taking the first step.

What software should I know? How do I form my own entity? Do I need a niche? How do I sell the virtual aspect to clients? Without the answers to these key questions, it feels like starting your own virtual accounting practice is just a far off dream.

I know nothing about sales.

Sales and marketing are not something you have experience in. Since running your own business also requires you to sell, you have no clue what to do or a budget to hire a sales team.

Spending a lot of time working for little money.

If you already started picking up clients, this can be a very real feeling. You just don’t understand why some virtual accountants can make so much while you hustle and hardly make anything. You constantly feel like they know something you don’t.

Losing your motivation.

You know you are a smart person and able to run your own firm, but some of the doubts are starting to creep in. “Will I ever make this work?” or “Are the people who make it just lucky??”

If you’re feeling ANY of these, then you are in the right place!

I went from making $4,200 per month working major overtime

at a national CPA firm, to making over $12,000 per month

working PART time from home!

It might sound insane, but I started in the exact same spot as many of you are right now.

I was tired and fed up with the public accounting grind.

It was no longer acceptable that I did not see daylight from January until late April because I never left the office before 9pm.

My son was already four, which meant he was going to start school in the coming year. Just thinking about the school hours and holidays and my schedule was nerve-racking. Would he have to be in every before and after school program?

I was also fed up with the “corporate world” and its grip on my life. Commuting 90 minutes a day meant I was only able to start my “home life” at 6pm during non-busy season. If I had an appointment or my child was sick, I had to inform at least 1-3 people in the office about why I wasn’t in by 8am.

And let’s talk about money. Sure we accountants get paid great for what we do. We were able to purchase a great house while I was in public accounting and go on one vacation a year. But I was in no way in control of my money. I had to wait for the Firm to decide on my worth and what 3-10% raise I would get that year. The Firm decided when I would get promoted and how many vacation days a year I could take. Your employer also decides if they no longer need your services.

In the beginning of 2013, I decided I wanted to work to live and not live to work, and I left to work for a virtual accounting firm in San Francisco. There, I learned so much about small business accounting, sales and software. I learned how to use the best software that is available on the market and how they all tie together, and how to provide these services virtually to clients.

In 2014, I started my own accounting services firm, providing virtual accounting services. I reached six figures fast, and have been enjoying work and life ever since.

I work part time, virtually, and make a lot more money now than I did slaving away in public accounting. The web page to my business can be found HERE.

My life has done a complete 180 from those long days of work in public accounting.

  • I have completely cut out my commute.
  • I am able to work PART TIME while my kids are at school.
  • I work on what I want and take on the clients I want.
  • I make insanely more money now than I did while slaving away in public accounting.
  • I am able to travel while working and experience life to the fullest.

There are lots of Accountants out there that are frustrated and searching to get out of the corporate grind, or just find a couple side clients in increase their income!

This is how you do it. My course is a step-by-step walkthrough of how to make an incredible income running your own virtual firm. You decide on whether you make this your full time income or side hustle.

Get started now!

But before I show you the course, let’s look at the common mistakes accountant make when starting their own business or looking for that very first client….

5 Common Mistakes You’re Probably Making

1. You don’t know the best accounting software on the market.
I think you have all heard of QuickBooks. But what else is out there? What about AP, payroll, budgeting? Not using the best software available and automating processes can as much as double your workload.

2. You don’t know how to use the accounting software.
If you are coming from a large corporation or public accounting, you will probably not know small business software. You might be trying to gather this info yourself from all over the internet, but that doesn’t mean that best practices are implemented.

3. Your marketing approach is all wrong.
The days of handing out business cards and placing ads in Yellow Pages are over. If you don’t have a predictable way of getting clients, going out on your own can be very very scary.

4. You don’t understand the art of the sales pitch.
We are accountants after all right? Being awkward during sales calls or not saying the right things at the right time, stunt the growth of even the best accountants.

5. You don’t have proper guidance.
Yes, you can be great at Googling and watching videos on how to start your own firm or get your first client, but it will leave you with a bunch of fragmented advice that won’t fit together. The key is understanding how everything works, A-Z, for your business.

Imagine a life where you can…

Have confidence in the service you offer.

It’s easy to offer services you believe in and have automated. You may not consider yourself a salesperson, but with the right techniques and methods, you too can grow a large firm.

Turn your side client into your full-time career.

If you achieve this, you will have achieved what most people in this industry dream about. You’ll get to wake up every day working on your dreams, building your own business, on your own terms.

Make owning your own firm not only your career, but your lifestyle.

The final step is achieving true work life balance as you build out your client base. You have complete freedom and control over the direction you’re headed, thanks to being your own boss.


Inclusive Firm

The Formula for Setting up and Running a Six Figure Accounting Firm Virtually.

Let’s take a look at what is inside!

Lessons 1-2 – Introduction and Mindset

I will go over what is inside the course and talk about mindset. Just like with everything else in life, having the correct mindset is the KEY to success.

Lesson 3 – Setting up Your Business

Getting set up correctly in the beginning will help you a lot in the long term. Here I will go over how to form your business, my tips and tricks to managing multiple clients, how to furnish your office and much more!

Lesson 4 – Pricing

Did you know that you can charge a flat fee for your services and never have to worry about taking time off? Pricing your services correctly is truly the key to wealth and work life balance.

Lesson 5 – The Perfect Client

I will share a lot of personal experience in this course. You will get to benefit from my nearly five years of experience when I discuss who you should work with and who you should avoid. Remember, as your own boss you can work with whoever makes you happy and fits your lifestyle!

Lesson 6 – Services and Software

This is the largest lesson in the course. Here I outline exactly what services I offer, what technology I use and how I automate the flow. I will introduce you to the software and we will set up a brand new client together! Knowing how everything works together and how to automate things is the key to working less hours.

Lesson 7 – The Sales Script

What if I told you the first 5 sentences that come out of your mouth can make or break you signing your potential client? Same with written proposals. Nailing down your sales pitch is KEY to growing. In this section I will give you my exact formula to landing about 75% of the clients I talk to!

Lesson 8 – Sales

Now that we got the sales script down in Lesson 7, I will go over various ways to sell your services. Some of these are completely FREE ways! And no I will not just tell you to go to marketing events and give out your business cards. These are new modern ways of getting clients! I have personally used these methods to build my six figure firm!

Lesson 9 – Social Media Marketing

Like email marketing and Google AdWords in the decades past, Social Media marketing is here and is a game changer. You must utilize it while it is still new and underpriced. In Lesson 9 we will go over different types of social media marketing.

Course Curriculum

Available in days
days after you enroll


There are some bonus included with this course!

EVERYONE likes bonuses. So, not only are you going to get those incredible lessons, but you're also going to get...

Bonus #1. Chart of Accounts ($299)

Creating a chart of accounts that is useful and makes sense can take days! I include my go to chart of accounts with this course.

Use this to start our business and onboard clients’ immediately!

Bonus #2. FaceBook Group With Once a Month Office Hours ($150 per month)

In this group, you will be able to ask questions about the program, get updates, discuss strategies, etc.

You can also chat with other members to toss around ideas, develop new strategies, and get feedback on your progress!

Once a month, I will hold “office hours” in the group.I will go live and you will be able to ask your questions!

Bonus #3. Tools List

Using the right technology can literally make or break your firm. Automating your processes has the potential to doubling your income.

With this bonus, I provide you with my exact tech stack and what technology to use to make your business run efficiently.

Bonus #4. Continued Course Updates

As we all know, the world of accounting and technology is changing constantly.

I will update the course as needed and help you overcome any unforeseen hurdles that may arise (as they will!).

Get started now!

Who is the INCLUSIVE FIRM Course For?


This course is not suitable for those with no accounting/bookkeeping/tax experience and/or education. You must know the nuts and bolts of accounting!

Accountants working a W-2 job

If you are in an accounting position working for someone, then this is for you! This course will teach you how to apply your knowledge to start working for yourself. I will teach you things you were probably not taught at your current job such as sales, marketing and automation.

Accountants who are already freelancing and/or opened their firms.

You might be freelancing already but feel like you are missing some pieces to the puzzle. Well you are in the right place. This course will be able to fill in the gaps for you and show you significant ways to grow your business.

Busy people!

I know many of you still have full-time jobs, so I do my best to break down everything in as simple of a manner as possible. There’s a ton of content in the course, but I included only what’s absolutely needed and left out the fluff.

Who is the INCLUSIVE FIRM Course Not For?

People looking to get rich quick.

You won’t buy this course and wake up a millionaire. If that’s your expectation or desire, this course is not for you. It takes time to become a successful accounting freelancer or firm owner, but this course is designed to cut down that time drastically for you!

Anyone who is looking to switch careers from something completely different to accounting.

If you don’t know what a balance sheet or income statement is, then this course is not for you. You need to have basic fundamental knowledge of accounting.

Anyone scared of rolling up their sleeves and doing some work.

No, you don’t become a six-figure firm owner or become elite at ANYTHING without putting in work. This is just a fact of life.

Who is the CPA teaching this?

Marina Kovalev, Founder – Marina Kovalev, CPA and Inclusive Firm

Hey there, future firm owner! My name is Marina and I own an accounting firm at and an accounting blog at, where I teach people just like you how to turn your accounting knowledge into a profitable business you love.

I absolutely love both of my businesses and the work that I do!

I was able to quit my full-time job at an accounting firm to pursue my dream of being able to work from home, and I now make over $12,000/month with my virtual accounting business. I have even been able to travel as well as have a flexible schedule and be present in my kids’ lives- all while working virtually!

Don't get me wrong... It takes hard work and dedication, but you'll find that working on something you LOVE that has the ability to majorly impact your future is a million times more rewarding and fun than a job that you hate. Now, it's your turn to experience the fun and success that I’ve been able to achieve!

Let's do this!

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I am a new accountant?
As long as you have a basic understanding of accounting, either through education or experience, you will be able to benefit from this course.
What if I have never had a client of my own?
That is ok! This course will teach you the fundamentals and how to get set up correctly from the beginning. You will save a lot of time not having to figure everything out on your own!
What if I’ve been freelancing already or have my own clients already?
If you have clients already, this course will change the game for you. You will learn tips and tricks and techniques about how to take your firm to the next level.
Can I find this information for free online?
Not really! 90% of the information you will find on opening an accounting firm or freelancing is incredibly fragmented and incomplete. This is just the nature of accounting and how the internet works. Yes, you can start trying to hunt out this information on your own, but you will spend hundreds if not thousands of hours looking in the wrong spots. This is 100% the course I wish I had when I started out. It would have saved me so much time and money!
Is there a time limit to complete the course? How long do I have access?
There is no time limit to going through the content in this course. It's a completely go-at-your-own-pace thing! Your access to the course doesn't expire.
What format is the content delivered in?
Video! You will have video instruction and step-by-step walkthroughs of every major topic.
Is my credit card secure?
Credit card security is extremely important. That's why I used Teachable and Paypal to handle the billing and provide a secure socket layer, 128-bit encryption. So feel comfortable knowing your transaction is 100% completely protected from fraud.

Get started now!